Hello Daughter!
Welcome to Loved Letter, issue number 1! Woohoo!!
This newsletter is specifically written for women who have had abortions and are hungry to break free from post-abortive guilt, shame, and run liberated in God's love! I know it may sound impossible, but with God, all things are possible. You have not stumbled your way here or found yourself here by accident. I am fully convinced that Jesus lovingly led you here because He wants to heal your broken heart, restore your hope, and set you free into a beautiful and bright future. He did it for me. He’ll do it for you.
We are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to save us from our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done. Romans 3:22 NLT (1996)
This is the gospel of Jesus Christ, and girl, it is GOOD NEWS. The kind of news that’ll heal a broken heart.
My prayer for this little corner is this:
Father, thank You for Jesus. I pray that Loved Letter would be a place where we lovingly set our hope, our broken hearts, and aching souls on Christ alone. I invite you to satisfy our every appetite and longing; that every thirst we have would be satisfied in Christ alone. Make this space a sanctuary where everyone is held safe and secure in Your love, approval, and affection. We invite the testimony of Jesus to flow like Living Water, and the Word of God to be like healing honey on every wound. Holy Spirit we invite You to grace us with your comfort and stellar teaching. Grace us to continuously point each other to the cross of Christ and the joy of our salvation. We invite You to restore our innocence and make us happy-hearted daughters. I see us chewing bubblegum, cruising around in our roller-skates, rejoicing in the awesomeness of our Father, and proclaiming Good News to all who will listen! Show us who You are, Lord, and establish our identity. In Jesus name. Amen.
{ a little about me & why i’m here }
I have stood where you’re standing. Trying to live in the light, with a piece of your heart and soul hiding in the dark. Guilt and shame pent up in your gut. Begging God over and over for forgiveness, knowing that you’re forgiven, but your heart can’t quite hang onto that Truth. God sees you and He loves you. He is beckoning you home.
Jesus set me free from the guilt and shame of an abortion I had in college. After years spent hiding in the darkness, He lovingly led me to His Word, where I discovered that God was better than I ever imagined. His Word healed my heart, soul, spirit, flesh & bone…and they continue to.
He brought me to such a place of freedom, that I wanted to volunteer at our local Pregnancy Resource Center. For any post-abortive volunteers they require you take part in their post-abortive bible study - and I was like sure! I couldn’t imagine being more healed than I already was, but that bible study was like the final foundation stone of my healing! God set me free beyond what I could have ever imagined.
I think you will understand me when I say that it is an absolute miracle that I can confess my abortion publicly without any guilt, shame, or condemnation! After years spent hiding, it is a joy live in the light now! Only Jesus can do that. He will do the same for you.
I’ll share more details of my very long journey in the upcoming newsletters, with the hopes that your journey to freedom will not take as long as mine :)
{ the Word }
I would not have experienced healing apart from the Word of God. That’s just a fact. I remember what it was like before His Word came and healed me…I was tossed about in sea of hopelessness, a deep hidden sorrow overcast my heart. I believed in Jesus and knew that He died for my sins. I cried out over and over for God to forgive me, but my heart could never quite hang onto that truth.
Until the Word of God came.
Let’s take a moment and look at God in Psalm 34:5.
Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.
Isn’t that amazing? When we look to God for help, He will make us radiant with joy with no shadow of shame on our faces! Did this Word spark hope in your heart? Read it again and sit with it for a moment. No need to rush. Let it settle deep into your heart.
It may be hard to believe or even hope for right now, but “radiant joy” is where you are headed now, because you are looking to God for help. One day, these words will not just be words on a page, but they will be living and true inside you! His Word that will anchor you to the forgiveness and freedom and LOVE that He has already given to you. It might be hard to believe…but His love and mercy surrounds you already. :)
Let’s Pray:
Father, help me. I’m weary. I’m tired of hiding, and I don’t know how to heal myself. I look to You alone for help, hope, and healing now. I invite You to make me radiant with joy; no shadow of shame darkening my face. I invite You to work in my heart, soul, and all that I am to set me free from the pain of my abortion. Anchor me so firmly in Your forgiveness, love, and freedom that I’ll never depart from it. Give me a spirit of wisdom and revelation to know Christ Jesus as He truly is. Turn my eyes away from worthless things and give me life by Your Word. Grow me comfy and cozy in Your love. Have Your way in every way of my heart, life, and home. In Jesus name. Amen.
{ pause in His presence & a song }
Take a moment right here to just sit in the presence of Jesus. He is with you right now. When you are ready, press play below. Close your eyes and just listen.
I am so glad you are here. I pray that this is a place where you begin to experience God’s luxurious and loyal love…for you! With each newsletter, you can expect to find me sharing more details of my testimony, post-abortive resources, as well as other bits on mothering, marriage, and prayer. I want to get to know you, hear your story, and cheer you on as Jesus crafts His testimony of love, forgiveness, and freedom in your life!
If you have questions and want to know more ways to connect, please reach out to me at hope@lovedletter.com
You are so loved!